Saturday, September 23, 2006


近一個星期裏, 分別跟三位好朋友分析他們的感情生活, 三段感情, 三個不同的階段, 傾談的當中感覺真的有點怪, 我可不是愛情專家, 亦不是社工, 更沒有上過輔導的課, 但卻跟別人談起這些事來

但當我再認真的想一想, 又有了一番繆論

也許感情就像一門生意, 所以細佬死老婆之後即刻露出一幅生意失敗的頹相, 晚晚唱501 題外話, 剛分手的人都有一種怪病, 就是總會怒搵流行曲, 要搵出最慘的一首流行曲, 然後同全世界講, 我而家同首歌一樣咁慘~! 回正題, 當我們把感情看為一門生意, 我們不難想像到, 生意人要看準機會先會訓身經營”, 所以感情也要揀好對象才委身 是的, 委身”, 很喜歡這兩個字, 當中有願意付出的意思。

就個人而言, 一段感情是需要雙方一起經營的, 缺一不可, 這不止是指情侶, 對朋友亦然, 這個道理應該很容易明白。但對情侶來說, 當經營了一段時候總會有很多莫明的憂慮, 如否應該繼續經營下去, 轉去投資第二門生意會不會好一點等等。情侶生意的經營者很會計算, 計算風險, 對方的可靠程度, 自己的期望回報, 但計算總不能得出令人釋懷的答案, 結果很多人會堅持不了, 被這些莫明的憂慮擊倒, 放棄經營生意

我並沒有任何特別的經營手法可以跟大家分享, 只有一些可能頗膚淺的看法。我覺得經營感情生意, 是必須付出努力, 忍耐, 冒險, 堅持等重要元素。但另一方面, “止蝕一方面又如何呢? 當經營時發現, 跟另一半合不來, 他不能滿足自己的基本要求而自己又不願妥協, 經營時淚水多於汗水抱歉, 我真的答不了你, 但有一件事我可以告訴你, 放棄一門生意付出的代價往往是很大的。

Sunday, September 17, 2006

When Something Seems Tending to Zero

Today is quite special to me, a girl ask me to buy something with her since she was afraid that she would be cheated if she buy the expensive stuff herself in MK. “Okay, but I did not help at all actually… Just help to check more on the product and maintenance guarantee…”
At 4 pm, of course, she was late as I expected though she said she left home ON TIME. She said that she actually had two reasons to date me out, one is about shopping, one is about her relationship with boyfriend. How come she thought that I could help her?
After checking the prices in different shops and decided which shop to go. We were nearly cheated. Anyway, we paid the reasonable price lastly. Then we found somewhere to have a drink. And start discuss on the next topic.
Case Summary is here: A girl in relationship with a boy one year elder than her start feeling that her PASSION was being weakened day by day. An example is that even the boy worked in foreign place for a long time, she did not miss him much and live as happy as usual. Beside, she found that his weaknesses became significant and there were something that she expected he can reach her expectation. One more point is that, if she wanna have another chance to get a new boyfriend for her future marriage, she does not have much time since dating may take her about 3 to 4 years. For she to conclude, she need to consider if she should break up and give up this relationship and start seeking another boy…
In this situation, frankly, I don’t know which direction is the RIGHT one. I did pray to God and please let me understand her theory. I think I could understand, thanks God. What I raise is that, it seems that they are in a core progress in a relationship which is going to marriage. I can see that they planned to have a future together. I can see that she knew she is taking a risk to find another one. I also can see that they do love each other…
For me to conclude, it is some kinds of silly to give up a 4 years relationship. Actually, nothing has happened. Just seems something seems tending lesser and lesser. No the third party, no argument… I suggested them to try something new to have some break through. It seems stupid, it is true… And please wait until the boy comes back, just few months more.
Please… honestly, I do not help much, but I am sure that I do not want to see my friends break up.