Monday, June 27, 2005


曲:光良 詞:葛大為 編曲:吳慶隆 製作人:光良、陳建良

牽著你在天空飛翔 這樣看世界不一樣
有了你在身旁笑的臉龐 世界或許就這麼寬廣

忽然就忘記了慌張 人海之中你最明亮
無意間的影響 漸漸擴張 你豐富我 生活感想

何必尋找所謂的天堂 原來我因為你 不想再去流浪
情願平凡 不擁有一切也無妨 有了你在心上 依然是天堂

何必尋找所謂的天堂 原來我因為你 不想再去流浪
情願平凡 不擁有一切也無妨
有了你在心上 已經是天堂

Thursday, June 23, 2005


想了一個問題兩三日, "到底一個要成功需要甚麼條件呢?"。要得出答案, 一定要先跳過"甚麼是成功?"的問題, 因為那些"每個人定義不同...", "對某些人而言"...等看法會足以使我頭昏腦脹。想了幾天, 我覺得一個人的本質會得影響一個人成功興否, 始終稱得上成功的, 路一定不容易走。而我覺得一個人的本質會不多不少建基於一個人的價值觀, 對事物的習慣等等。

我還未可以得出一個結論, 但我覺得就我自己而言, 想要成功, 有些價值觀及習慣一定要做好, 以下是一些小例子:
- 不再有"如果這樣便大鑊...", 只有"如果這樣我便要..."
- 不再有"那個人有無攪錯...", 只有"怎樣才能解決當前的問題..."
- 不再有"如果那樣便好了...?, 只有"怎樣可化以代替那樣..."

- 不再有羨慕別人, 只有做好自己。

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

<< Two Meetings >>

This morning, it is my first time to have a meeting with my teammates. My team is Project Team, what a good name. After the meeting, I found that I should be quite free till July, and it is a new team come with the company grow. I hope I can learn as much as possible within this period.

In this afternoon, there is another meeting which is not related to me. Till now, I still wonder why the supervisor asked me to have the meeting with them. This meeting is a good lesson for me unexpectedly. And I start understand what a PM should look like, why the IT skill is not enough to win a success in career.

I have to revise how and what I performed as a President.